Heading out on a long summer trip in your car, preparations are going on from setting up travel routes to finalizing halting points. Check list are prepared for cloths, foods and other entertainment equipment to keep you active while traveling. While these preparations are on their way, we at City Towing suggest you to make a checklist for your car’s health as well. It is essential to prepare your car properly and make a check list of all the equipment that can lead to an unwanted breakdown and ruin your trip or left you isolated in a deserted road.

I am mentioning some of the essential car maintenance checklist items below:

1. Check tires for tread and pressure

Inspect all the four tires of your car, including the spare one, to find any cuts or sidewall bulges. These issues can cause a tire to burst under extreme pressure and heat, especially when driving at high speeds or over long durations- something common on long summer trips. Checking tire tread is also essential, as it ensures your car stays on the road while taking sharp turns and doesn’t skid. Newer tires or tires with better tread provide better traction and allow you to drive freely on muddy surfaces like country roads. You also need to check tire pressure. Less tire pressure increase traction but reduces mileage, resulting in excessive fuel consumption. On top of that, low tire pressure can cause the wheels to wobble, leading to an unpleasant driving experience.

2. Listen to any grinding sound when applying the brakes

Take your car out for a ride and brake gently to check for any grinding noise or vibrations coming from the brake shoes or brake drums. These issues must be taken seriously, as they can reduce the braking capability of your car and can lead to a vehicle collision.

In the case of brake drums, these sounds usually occur when the inner wall get coated with mud or dust. A gentle grinding with a sand-paper can resolve this issue.  With brake shoes, the process is similar, except that if the brake shoe becomes too thin from constant grinding, you need to replace it.

3. Inspect coolant, engine oil and brake fluid

In summer it is common for the cars to overheat and breakdown due to coolant degradation. Before heading out for a summer trip, you must check your coolant level, its thickness, and color to ensure it is in proper condition. If you find the coolant changing color form green to dark green or close to black replace it.

The same goes for engine oil, it become thicker and changes color after a certain period of time and need to be replaced. Otherwise, it can cause engine failure or can even damage the combustion chamber.

4. Keep details of towing companies that are located along your route

Although these precautionary measures reduce the risks of vehicle breakdown, ensuring a safer summer trip, yet auto collisions and roadside emergencies cannot be completely ruled out. Keeping the contact details of a reliable towing company plays a vital role in emergency roadside situations. If you are passing through Seattle or on Interstate-5 and need a emergency roadside assistance, call City Towing for affordable towing services with the shortest turnaround time at 206-915-1991.